A week filled with high quality intervals and one astonishingly muddy run on the Appalachian Trail needed a great ending…which Erika, Andy and I found alongside 50 other wetsuit-clad diehards out to get a little surfing in despite some cold weather! Before I get to that, let’s talk about the training.
We had a solid week with some high quality intervals and lifting sessions. The L3 intervals were a great chance for all of us to work on our weaknesses while contributing something to the team. So while I would lead parts of the double pole on the flats, I’d tuck in behind Sophie and Annie on the striding uphills to mimic their beautiful smooth technique and learn a few things!
Reese Brown came over to take some action shots for the team on interval day. It was so great to have him with us and it was incredibly kind of him to take some time out of his schedule to get us some cool training photos!
It also rained last week…a lot. We got an inch in one particularly eventful morning during a 3+ hour trail run on the AT trail. I’m not going to lie, there were some moments when everyone got really quiet because slogging through ankle-deep muddy water with hidden rocks and roots underneath it can get pretty difficult. But then someone would burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of us swimming upstream and I’d realize how funny the whole thing was!
I got pounded a few times trying to paddle out again after catching a ride, and one particular wave let me know what my clothes go through when I put them in the dryer. But it was so exciting being out on the ocean in big waves. Even when I got beat up by them, it was such a rush when I’d finally catch one!
When we got back we had a team celebration for Ben’s 23rd Birthday! Then it was time for me to pack up and fly to Minnesota for a week at home with my family. I’m so happy to have some family time and I’m excited to be the Grand Marshal in my hometown of Afton’s 4th of July parade!