This post is short and sweet, and for once it’s not about me and skiing – it’s about YOU (and skiing)! You might be wondering how to watch the World Cup races, either live at 4-5am depending on what time zone you live in, or perhaps you want to see the full coverage later in the day or week. Here’s your options for World Cup watching.
First and most basic, you’ve got the FIS app and website. This link is to the FIS (the international ski federation) website: and on the top left of the page, under the Cross Country tab, you can find the race schedule, results, leaderboards for the season and information on each athlete. You can also download the FIS app for your phone which provides live splits during the race from different checkpoints around the course. Just search “FIS” on the app store on your phone and it’s a free download. This is pretty awesome because you can watch in real time, or check it out later and still see where each athlete was at different points in the race. It’s like playing detective and piecing together what happened on course based on numbers. Get your nerd on!
Now for some exciting news: there is new live streaming of the entire World Cup Cross Country race season from NBC Sports Live Extra! Here’s how it works: you will need to be an authenticated subscriber to NBC through a cable network or through a satellite provider. In other words, it’s not free, but it DOES come with a lot of perks. Every event will be streamed live, but if you want to watch it later in the day on demand, you can do that too (and get to sleep in! Yay!). Full replays of the events are available afterwards and there’s also an app that you can download to watch from a mobile device. If you click on this sentence, it will take you to the iTunes store to see the NBC Sports app. The link to the NBC sports live streaming schedule is included HERE. This schedule is important if you do want to see the races live, as it gives the start and end time for each live stream.
This is unrelated to watching World Cups, but very related to following skiing. For the past few years now I’ve been writing a special edition of my ski blog just for kids, and specifically for the Minnesota Youth Ski League. If you have little skiers that would be interested in a little reading, here’s the link to the MYSL website and my blog for them! Their main webpage is, and I’ll be updating it every few weeks from different parts of the globe. Enjoy!