The past week in Finland has been great; good snow, good trails, good lodging…but now it’s time to get to Estonia, where the races are! After driving down to Helsinki, we boarded a ferry that took us across the Baltic Sea and docked in Tallinn, Estonia.
I’m actually pretty disappointed that they didn’t at least stamp our passports! But there was absolutely no border control – I guess it’s not that big of a deal in Europe.
We played some epic games of Wii bowling and golf, and were joined by a little Finnish girl who took it very seriously.
There were also some…uh…dancers on the boat. Cartwright expresses his opinion below:
Sadly, the fun and games ended after a couple of hours. We docked at Tallinn, and drove our cars off the ferry.
Since I’ve still got the tail-end of a cold, I was relegated to the cargo van for the drive to our hotel (the Waide motel), which is a very nice place about a half hour away from the race venue in Otepaa.
Hopefully I’ll kick this cold for good in the next few days. Now there’s nothing to do but explore the nearby towns and get amped up to race!