Adventure buddies!

Welcome to Oahu!

Me, goofing around in the waves.

Danielle on Kaena point!

What better place to field-test my Podiumwear training tank?

Danielle exploring the tide pools on Kaena Point.

Me, doing a little cliff jumping!

Sleepy turtle. (and protected, so don’t disturb!)

Getting ready to go surf some smaller waves on the North Shore (not going to pretend I can handle anything above 3 feet!)

Danielle and I at Hanauma Bay!

Danielle crossing a stream on our hike

So much beautiful green! Which is probably why it was raining.

Fireworks over Waikiki

Danielle and I about 1/3 of the way up!

One of the rope sections. That rope came in handy as the mud could get a little slippery.

Doing some steeper hiking

Danielle on one of the coolest rope sections up the ridge!

Panorama of the top!

Danielle and I at the top of the stairs!

At the top of the stairs, the steep sections look like a roller coaster drop-off!

Ready to go down!

A short few sections were flat…and it looked like you were about to run off the edge of the earth.

…and other parts looked a little “Indiana-Jones-ish”.

Some amazingly beautiful shore break – it was a lot taller than I was!

The sunset right before we left.

Top of Diamond Head overlooking Waikiki

Danielle “battling the weekday crowds” at our last beach stop together!

Hiking in Manoa valley was so beautiful!

The 100 foot tall waterfall was really cool

I got soaked in a rainstorm while hiking through the bamboo forest!

Visiting with the next up-and-coming skiers! (photo by Bruce with SkinnySki)

Giving a presentation on the winter and what it’s like to be racing on the road. (photo by Bruce with SkinnySki)