As usual, my thoughts have run away from me again. Here’s a stream of consciousness approach to what I’m thinking of our camp in Norway so far:
1. Time change really sucks. I feel like I’m either sleepwalking through breakfast, or I’m just a little bit drunk. Hmmm. Definitely sleepwalking.
2. Ready for training! Man, the coaches look pro today.
3. Oh, wait. Matt, you’re taking business casual to the next level.
4. I loooooooove the fjords! This is such fun skiing! It swoops up and down and around, and the air smells just fishy enough to make me more tolerant of people who bring tuna sandwiches to lunch.
5. Wow, it’s hot and sunny out! Kikkan said it’s not too cold….but should I really believe an Alaskan? (for the record? It was FREEZING cold!)
6. Pretty sure that horsefly just took a dime-sized hole out of my leg. OUCH! That’s it! NO MORE BOG RUNNING!
7. Cliche jumping photo time! YESSSSS. I love these photos.
8. Gym time. Ok, muscles: I command you to grow.
9. Time for another roller ski. Huh. This pattern would probably feel repetitive if I wasn’t traveling all the time and training in beautiful places. Good thing the World Cup moves every week!
10. Hey, wait up guys! Waaaaaait for meeeeeeeee! (why am I always running behind?)
11. Not sure how they move so fast, but Sophie and Kikkan are incredibly good at speeds!
12. Day off of training! Time for a fishing trip! Why, yes, I WILL hold an “I love Aure” sign. Because it’s not a lie – I really do love this place! That was so nice of the Toppidrettsveka organizers to set up this fun day for us! What a great group of people.
13. Ok, ok…who’s going to be the first once to get up to the front and say the cheesy “Titanic” line? Somebody’s gotta do it.
14. Wow, I wonder what the inside of a fish’s mouth looks li….GEEZ GROSS GET THAT AWAY FROM ME LIZ!
15. Yay! We finally caught some fish! Wonder if they’re going to smack it over the head to kill it?
Oh, wow. We’re going to go right ahead and cut the head off. I can’t watch. I can’t stop watching.
16. You know what? I really hope this skiing career works out for me, because I don’t think I could make it as a fisherman.
17. I think I’ll just hang out in the sun instead. If I don’t catch any more fish, I won’t be able to embarrass myself by being that one person who won’t cut the head off.
18. Time to redeem my lack of guts (fish guts all over my hands, that is). IT’S BRIDGE JUMPIN’ TIME! I’m so scared I can hardly stand it, but that makes it all the more exciting when I finally let go and get to fly for 2 seconds! Andy and Simi sure know how to do flips. Spatial awareness to the max. Someday I’ll have some of that awareness, too. I hope. 🙂
19. The French team is here, and so are the Italians and a Russian! This feels like a World Cup all of a sudden. Also, I may be slower than the French men’s team but at least I can beat them in a card game. Priorities, right?
20. This morning’s ski was beautiful! I like my back-of-the-pack chats with Sophie, and I also love getting to the top of mountains for the view. Definitely worth the climb.