Ok, I admit I am a little late to the blogging game! Sorry about that, but now I’m back from Russia and ready to tell you all about it! First of all, the end of my little Seiser Alm training camp with Liz and Cork was awesome. We got a…
As I write this sitting in my hotel room in Seiser Alm, I’m watching some seriously stylish Italians attempt to navigate the slalom gates on the ski slope directly under my window. Go-Pros are everywhere. Someone in slippers and a fluffy robe is shuffling out to the outdoor sauna, and…
I think it’s time to re-share one of my all-time favorite quotes. “Most people fail at whatever they attempt because of an undecided heart. Should I? Should I not? Go forward? Go back? Success requires the emotional balance of a committed heart. When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart…
You’ve probably heard of the Tour de France. Maybe even the Tour de Ski. Maybe you’re even got up at 0-dark-hundred to watch it live! My goal is to give you a little behind the scenes information as to what actually goes on during a Tour event when the athletes…
The FIS guys have a joke that us American girls are always saying that this awesome thing or that cool thing are “the BEST EVER. Like, ever.” Apparently we also say things are “the best ever” when they’re actually not all that fantastic, but I like to call that optimism….